Facebook brings back its temporary flower Reaction button for Mother’s Day | Nigeria Newspaper - Latest Nigeria News paper


Facebook brings back its temporary flower Reaction button for Mother’s Day

Facebook, Mothers Day, Happy Mothers Day, Facebook flower reaction, Facebook mothers day reaction, Facebook Mothers Day emoji, Facebook flower reaction meaning, technology, technology news Facebook has added a couple of new ways to celebrate Mother’s Day as well, in addition to flower reaction button.
Facebook has brought back its ‘Flower’ Reaction button for Mother’s Day. The social media giant rolled out the temporary emoji (which means thankful) last year on Mother’s Day. This year, Facebook has added a couple of new ways to celebrate Mother’s Day as well, in addition to flower reaction button.
“When a person chooses this temporary flower reaction, they’ll see something special that wraps around the post they’re reacting to,” Facebook said in a blog post.
Facebook is inviting users to share a card with their mom or loved one. Message from Facebook will appear in individual’s NewsFeed. Mobile users can personalise some of the cards by adding a photo as well.
Further, Facebook has added new Mother’s Day-themed masks and frames for its camera app. The camera app in Facebook can be launched by swiping right on News Feed. Next, click on effects tray and new Mother’s Day masks can be accessed from the mask and frame category.
Facebook, Mothers Day, Happy Mothers Day, Facebook flower reaction, Facebook mothers day reaction, Facebook Mothers Day emoji, Facebook flower reaction meaning, technology, technology news Facebook-owned Instagram has a set of new stickers for Mother’s Day as well. Facebook users in the US can start a fundraiser or donate to a cause as well. Money for a nonprofit or people can be raised on the social media platform.
Additionally, Facebook-owned Instagram has a set of new stickers for Mother’s Day as well. Users can open the camera app and take a photo or video to add Mother’s Day-special stickers. Multiple stickers can be added on a photo or a video.
“Even by simply wishing someone “Happy Mother’s Day” in the comments (Psst…try it and see what happens!) you will be contributing to a worldwide outpouring of appreciation for moms everywhere,” the Facebook blog post reads.


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